Saturday, August 9, 2008
You know you are in Libya when....

Gastronomical Wonders in Vienna
Tafelspitz - this is effectively beef and vegetables boiled in stock, served in 2 courses. The first is the stock (broth) in which they add dumplings. The second course is the meat served with horseradish and creamed spinach or cabbage. Oh my gawd!! Words can not describe how divine this dish is!!!

The Viennese know how to make desert too! These are definately not for the faint hearted!
Palatschinken - pancakes with fruit compote

Topfenknodel - (or cheesy poufs as I prefer to call them) - light curd cheese dumplings. These ones I had at Cafe Central also had apricot inside them.

A Return to Vienna

Maria-Theresa Platz


The Belvedere Palace
On one of my days in Vienna, I caught the train to a town called Melk which is located on the Danube River about 80km out of the city.
View overlooking Melk
Cafe where I had my breakfast!!
A special 'hotel' for the native insects to stay in (how cool is this!!)
The main tourist attraction in Melk is the historic Benedictine Abbey which has had monks in residence since 1089. It is set high above the township and was really interesting to visit. A highlight was viewing the library.
Melk Abbey
Inside the Library
Next to the abbey is its park which contains the Garden Pavillion - a baroque building with stunning interior murals:
After touring around the abbey, I hired a bike for a couple of hours and cycled alongside the Danube. I also went on a boat cruise which allowed me to continue my journey along the river. A couple of very relaxed hours later, I disembarked at a town called Krems and caught the train back to Vienna. I was so lucky to be there on a perfect summer day, as you can see in my photos. These are just some of the sights I saw along the river:
Sahara Gal
Lounging in London

After looking at the exhibitions on the inside, we came out to find a storm almost breaking, giving us some pretty atmospheric photos looking over Saint Pauls:

We are a bit starved of live music in Tripoli, so when we found out that Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings (a very, very cool Motown style band - check them at out at http://www.daptonerecords.com/) were playing at the Rise Festival in London while we were there, we jumped at the chance to see them perform. Unfortunately their set was cut short due to some technical difficulties, but they were worth the wait!