The feature fountain as it was..
But why is it called The Camel House, I hear you ask?
We have named it as such, because in our back yard there is an extraordinarily large swimming pool which is shaped like a camel. I kid you not...
The pool is so big, that we can not get the whole camel in! This perspective is taken from the 'hump' side, with the nexk to the right and 2 legs to the left and centre. Laps consist of swimming from head to arse and back again!
It is a fantastic pool, lots of fun to jump around in on a hot day, as well as being big enough to get some speed up when doing laps. As a lady of leisure, as I am at the moment, I spend most mornings swimming backwards and forwards, trying to get a bit fitter.
We are extremely lucky in that we have a beautiful house, a fantastic pool and to top it all off, we are situated within an orange orchard. The orchard has a few hundred trees which include valencia and navel oranges, possibly tangellos (our citrus identification is not quite up to scratch yet), a few lemon tress and the odd peach tree. We are not responsible for looking after the orchard, we have a workman on site who tends to the trees, as well as looking after us. Shaban is a really nice guy who we think comes from the south of Libya and who looks after the pool, supervises the grounds and acts as our guard (loose term, he primarily opens the gate for people to drive in, deals with maintenance people and orchard workers and keeps an eye on the property when we are not here). We are gradually getting to know Shaban better as our Arabic improves.
Some photos ....
The unassuming front gate
Looking over the orchard from the rooftop (in January)
The Neighbourhood...
The house and orchard are definitely our sanctuary. Outside the big walls that surrounds the property, life is much dirtier and chaotic. Libya is a developing country and at the moment there is extensive demolition and rebuilding going on everywhere. We live between the towns of Janzoor and Serage, which has been traditionally irrigated agricultural land. There are many orchards and greenhouses full of vegetables in this area. However, the suburban sprawl is infiltrating the area. Massive 2-3 story houses are being built on subdivided farms and there appears to be minimal urban planning or common infrastructure. Roads are often little more than sandy tracks and there is no sewerage system - houses each have their own septic tank. Water is supplied by digging bores and there seems to be little consideration that water is a finite resource. Wherever you go there are large pools like ours and it is very common to see trees being irrigated for hours and even days at a time, with water flowing onto the roads. I worry about how much water is used on the property we live on. There are no qualms about emptying tanks to sweep them out and there are no water restrictions. At the present time the Great Manmade River, which is basically a pipeline from the Sahara, is bringing more water to the urban areas. This is sourced from an underground aquifer but no one really knows how long that will last. This extensive use of water is incredibly difficult to watch after coming from Australia. I realise now how good our public education programs regarding environmental issues are.
Anyway, enough of my rant. I won't say too much on waste disposal except to say that the plastic bag well and truly rules here and there is no universal rubbish collection system. We pay to have our rubbish removed and wish that our glass, cardboard, tins and plastic could be recycled. It is not compulsory to have the rubbish removed and as you can see in some of the following photos, rubbish is often dumped at the side of the road. On a positive note, I have been told by a Libyan that things have improved vastly over the last few years, which is an encouraging sign.

This is the turnoff to our road (behind the two piles of stones.

The road outside our property walls - as you can see, it is more of a sandy track than an actual road. The dark patch is where it has been hosed down!

Hey Miss B great to hear your there and well...Wow sounds really interesting and I must say your palace looks very regal!!!! Very inconspicuous gate leading to your budoir....cant beleive you got rid of the fountain....Everything goes well back here in Perth with nothing changing at all. Its freezing cold, pouring rain and I had to empty my boots from the 2 litres of water that had collected in them on the way to work - I am hating my scooter at the moment!!! Will touch base again really soon. Work goes on as chaotic as ever, but the good news is I am officially a scoial worker on Friday - 5 years later and I finally made it. DOnt know if I want to keep doing soical work stuff though but I spose the 6 letters look impressive after my name...Give my love to Johnny and just to let you know we are planning on doing our round the world trip in August next year with a 3 - 6 month stinit of work in London to start off and earn some valuable pounds. That is what we are working towards and even have a saving plan in place YAY!!! chat soon. lots of love Cos.
PS Indigo Girls are playing Novemebr 1st at Freo Arts Centre so sorry you cant make it!!!!!!! he he he
I can't beleive I find out the indigo girls are playing in Freo on the camel diaries (oh yeah, Hi Bridget and Johnny ... you look like you are having a wonderful time ... we are coming soon ...)
Mark C.
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