Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Convents, Cliffs and Cuenca

The Desert Rat had to be in Madrid for work last week, so we took the opportunity to go to Spain a couple of days early. We hired a car and drove east out of Madrid to a little town called Cuenca, which someone had recommended us going to years ago. It was a beautiful town, set up on the top of a deep ravine. We stayed in an old convent that had been converted to a hotel and which was seperated from the old part of the town by a footbridge.

View of the old town
Footbridge connecting the convent (left) from the old town

Old Town

Church in Cuenca

Cafe where we had lunch

Looking over the town

The best place to dry your washing!

Looking towards the convent

Our room was the top left window on the main building

Inside the cloisters

The Dining Room - nothing like having dinner under the pulpit!

Dinner - Traditional bean and chorizo stew, followed by roast lamb!

Sahara Gal

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